Steamed Milky Almond Flake Muffin


1.Self raising powder 110g (1 cup)
2.Baking powder 3g (1 tea spoon)
4.Sugar 54g (6 big spoon)
5.Milk (4 big spoon)
6.Cooking oil (1 big spoon)
7.Instant coffee (prepared the coffee with 1 tea spoon of coffee powder)
8.Milk candy 6
9.Almond flakes


1.Put in both self rasing powder and baking powder into the bowl and stir well.
2.Prepared another bowl to mix the egg and sugar and then stir well.
3.Put in the milk into step 2 and stir wel.
4.After that add in the mix well of self rasing powder and baking powder into step 3.
5.Stir well and then add in the cooking oil and the instant coffee.
6.Pour the mixture into 6 muffin cup untill half then put one milk candy into each muffin cup, pour  
   the balance of the mixture into each muffin cup until full, after that add some of the almond flakes  
   on the top of each muffin.
7. Lastly steam the muffin about 12-15 minutes.