Minced Pork with Tofu 豆腐肉碎


 - 1 pc Japanese Soft Tofu cut in piece
 - 200gm Minced Pork
 - 1 pcs Shallot cut in slice
Marinate minced pork with:-
 - pitch of salt
 - 1/2 teaspoon light soya sauce
 - 1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce
 - 1/2 tablespoon corn flour
 - little bit of pepper powder
Deep fried soft tofu or grill soft tofu till golden colour both side.
Fried shallot and add in minced pork stir till it cooked. Add in 1/2 bowl of water and cook till it turn to thicker sauce.
Topped the soft tofu with all the minced pork and sauce.