Bitter Gourd Black Bean Chicken 苦瓜豆豉焖鸡

 - 1/2 pc Bitter Gourd cut slice (wash it with salt water few times to get rid bitter taste)
 - 1/2 table spoon Black Bean (rinse clean)
 - portion ginger slice
 - 1pc Boneless Chicken cut slice
 - 1 tablespoon Cooking Oil
Marinate chicken with:-
 - Pitch of salt
 - 1/2 teaspoon Light soya sauce
 - 1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce
 - 1/2 tablespoon Corn Flour
Pre-heat the cooking oil, add in black bean and ginger slice stir till you smell the fragrant, add chicken grilled till golden surface, then add in bitter gourd and add in enough water to cook it with slow fire till the water turn to thicker sauce.