Taro Meat

1) Pork Belly Meat (五花肉) 600gm
2) pinch of Black Pepper Powder
3) 1 teaspoon sugar
4) 1 cube Bean Paste (南乳)
5) 2 spoon Wheat Flour (If want to be crispy, can add more)
- Boil pork belly meat till 80% cooked, then remove the skin, cut into 1/2 inch thick
- Marinate with black pepper powder, sugar and bean paste and mix well for 10 mins
- Add on wheat flour and mix well
- Pre-heat wok with enough cooking oil, till hot, then put in the pork piece by piece
- Before it turns golden brown colour, take out all and raise the temperature, put in all the meat again into wok and fry till gold brown in colour