Healthy Mixed Salad

Tasty Homemade Salad
2 nos sweet potatoes
2 nos Potatoes
2 nos Chicken Breast
2 nos Green Apple
1 nos Fuji Apple
3 slice Ham
2 slice Cheddar Cheese
6 spoons Mayonese

(1) Cut all the ingredients in small cube shape and steam well except Apples, Cheese and Mayonese.
(2) Mixed all the ingredients into a big bowl then chilled for 1 hour and ready to serve.

Japanese Curry Pork Chop (with rice)

Japanese Curry Pork Chop with Rice


2pcs Pork Chop (marinated with salt and soya sauce)
1 Egg
100gm Breadcrumbs
1 box Japanese Curry Paste
1 cup Japanese Pearl Rice

(1) Deep the pork chop with egg then breadcrumbs and then deep fried to golden brown.
(2) Cook the japanese rice as usual. Put the packet of japanese curry paste to hot boil water for 5 - 7 mins.
(3) Cut the pork chop into pieces and put on the rice. Then pour in the curry paste and ready to serve.

Hakka Braised Meat with Black Fungus

Hakka Braised Meat with Black Fungus


1 kg Pork (Belly Part:三层肉) cut in 1 inch cube
4 pcs Bean Paste (腐乳)
4-5 pcs Black Fungus soak in water till soft, then wash and slice
1 - 2 spoons Sugar
1 litre Water
2 spoons Corn Flour
1 spoon Oyster Sauce
2 spoons Chinese White Wine
1 clove Peeled Garlic
Cooking Oil

(1) Marinate the pork with 2 pcs of bean paste, 1 spoon of chinese white wine, 2 spoons of corn flour for overnight.
(2) Deep fry the Pork till golden brown, then put a side.
(3) Prepare a pot, mix the peeled garlic and black fungus with oil, then pour in water till it boiled.
Later, add in the deep fried pork into the boiling water.
(5) Add in oyster sauce, the remaining 2 pcs of bean paste, 1 spoon of sugar and cook for 45mins to 1 hour till the meat become tender.
(6) Add a spoon of Chinese White Wine before turn off the stove.

Lap-Mei Rice 腊味饭

Lap-Mei Rice 腊味饭
1 nos 腊肠
1 nos 润肠
2 nos 桂花肉
1 nos 腊鸭腿 (Cook for 15 mins till all the outside wax has gone)
6 nos Garlic chop well
3 mug Rice (rinse with water)
Black Soya Sauce
Soya Sauce
spring onion
(1) Remove the plastic skin of 腊肠 and 润肠.
(2) Cut both ingredients into small cubes (as shown on above picture).
(3) Heat the pan and stir fry all them still darker colour then put aside. (or till you can smell the fragrance of it)
(4) Fried the garlic with some cooking oil till it turn golden brown.
(5) Add in rice, then black sauce, salt, and soya sauce.
(6) Last, add in the cooked cube form of 腊肠 and 润肠. Mixed well.
(7) Pour all the rice and ingredients into a rice cooker. Add enough water to cook as normal.
(8) Once the rice is cooked, add some chopped spring onion and celery on top or mixed in.

Curry Chicken

Curry Chicken


Hot Chillies
Cooking oil
Chicken (cut into pieces)
Curry powder
Potatoes (cut into cubes)
Coconut milk
500ml water
Chicken stock powder

(1) Finely chop or blend the shallots, garlics, and hot chillies in the blender or food processor.
(2) Then, stir fry with cooking oil till golden colour.
(3) Add in chicken pieces, curry powder, and potatoes.
(4) Stir well then pour in 500ml water and cook the chicken and potatoes till soft.
(5) Add in coconut milk.
(6) Lastly, add some salt and chicken stock powder to taste.

"Kuih Bakul" with Yam & Sweet Potatoes

"Kuih Bakul" with Yam & Sweet PotatoesIngredients:-
500g Yam
500g Sweet potatoes
1pc Kuih Bakul (年糕) (cut into medium size stick piece)
8 spoons sugar (4 spoons to mix with yam and 4 spoons to mix with sweet potatoes)
1 packet spring rolls pastry

(1) Cut the yam and sweet potatoes into smaller cubes size to steam till soft. Then, mashed it thoroughly and mix with the 4 spoons of sugar each.

(2) Get ready a sheet of spring roll pastry, line the yam paste, kuih bakul, and sweet potatoes paste in sandwich form.

(3) Roll it into spring roll form and deep fried till golden brown.

"Icing Sugars" (爱情雪茄)

"Icing Sugars" (爱情雪茄)

1 packet of spring roll pastry
Icing sugars
Milk powder
Oil for deep fry

(1) Buy the smallest size of spring roll pastry pack, carefully separate the sheets.
(2) Layout a sheet of spring roll pastry in diamond shape. Rolling it all the way to the end and brush the edge with water to seal it.
(3) To deep fry all the rolled pastry, heat the oil in a wok, pour in all the pastry rolls. Gently stir it to avoid all the pastry rolls stick to each other.
(4) Once all the pastry rolls turned light golden brown, remove from wok and put on the paper towels to absorb the oil and also to slightly cool down the fried pastry rolls.
(5) Prepare a big bowl, mix the icing sugars with milk powder in a ratio of 1:1.
(6) Place the pastry rolls into a container, add in a few spoonfuls of icing sugars and milk powder mixture.
(7) Gently shake the container so that the powder mixture will coated evenly on all the pastry rolls.

Ginger Chicken with Mushroom

Ginger Chicken with MushroomIngredients:-
1/2 Chicken (Cut in pcs)
5 pcs Mushroom (Cook till soft and cut into cube)
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Soya Sauce
3 spoon Sesame Oil
2 spoon Oyster Sauce
1 spoon Corn Flour
8 slices Ginger in slice
1 cup Water

(1) Marinated the chicken with salt, soya sauce, oyster sauce, corn flour for ½ hour.
(2) Then, fry the ginger slice with sesame oil until the ginger fragrant come out then pour the chicken into the pan and fry evenly till it turn to golden brown color.
(3) Add in the mushroom and water to let it boil for at least 30mins with lowest temperature (depends on how much gravy you want to have) and serve it with rice.