"Kuih Bakul" with Yam & Sweet Potatoes

"Kuih Bakul" with Yam & Sweet PotatoesIngredients:-
500g Yam
500g Sweet potatoes
1pc Kuih Bakul (年糕) (cut into medium size stick piece)
8 spoons sugar (4 spoons to mix with yam and 4 spoons to mix with sweet potatoes)
1 packet spring rolls pastry

(1) Cut the yam and sweet potatoes into smaller cubes size to steam till soft. Then, mashed it thoroughly and mix with the 4 spoons of sugar each.

(2) Get ready a sheet of spring roll pastry, line the yam paste, kuih bakul, and sweet potatoes paste in sandwich form.

(3) Roll it into spring roll form and deep fried till golden brown.