"Icing Sugars" (爱情雪茄)

"Icing Sugars" (爱情雪茄)

1 packet of spring roll pastry
Icing sugars
Milk powder
Oil for deep fry

(1) Buy the smallest size of spring roll pastry pack, carefully separate the sheets.
(2) Layout a sheet of spring roll pastry in diamond shape. Rolling it all the way to the end and brush the edge with water to seal it.
(3) To deep fry all the rolled pastry, heat the oil in a wok, pour in all the pastry rolls. Gently stir it to avoid all the pastry rolls stick to each other.
(4) Once all the pastry rolls turned light golden brown, remove from wok and put on the paper towels to absorb the oil and also to slightly cool down the fried pastry rolls.
(5) Prepare a big bowl, mix the icing sugars with milk powder in a ratio of 1:1.
(6) Place the pastry rolls into a container, add in a few spoonfuls of icing sugars and milk powder mixture.
(7) Gently shake the container so that the powder mixture will coated evenly on all the pastry rolls.